Annual Navarathiri Celebration
The 10-Day celebration consists of a 3-day celebration for each Sakthi. On the final day, the 3 Sakthis converge to become One Powerful Sakthi, known as Mahishasura Mardhini.
About Navarathiri
Navarathri is a celebration of 3 Great Divine energies of the Universe, namely Courage, Prosperity and Wisdom in Hinduism these energies are celebrated in the form of 3 Sakthis (Power) as Durga, Mahalakshmi, and Saraswathi. The 10-Day celebration consists of a 3-day celebration for each Sakthi. On the final day, the 3 Sakthis converge to become One Powerful Sakthi, known as Mahishasura Mardhini. She emerges to kill the evil demon known as Mahishasuran. On the last day evening, the Divine Mother blesses the devotees in the form of Sri Raja Rajewari on the golden swing.